Updated 5/26/20
I hope you and your family are safe and healthy as you read this message. As the school year comes to an end, I am extremely appreciative for our students and staff that make ALA such a special place. The end of the year has been challenging, but many students powered through courses with staff support, including three new ALA graduates! Please read below for important information:
4th Quarter Grades
You'll soon receive this letter in the mail along with your 4th quarter grades. Students were given incompletes if they did not finish a course and upon their return for either summer school or in the fall, they will begin their courses where they left off. A letter grade indicates the student completed a course and received credit during the 4th quarter.
Summer School & Laptop Return
Summer school begins on June 1 and applications are available here or by calling 480-362-2176. Students who already have a laptop and will attend summer school are to keep the laptop. If a student will not attend summer school and had a laptop issued to them during the last quarter of school, they must return it to the ALA along with the charging cord and MiFi device (if applicable) no later than Thursday, June 4. The ALA front office is open 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
ALA is honored to announce we have 17 graduates this year! This group of young adults worked hard to complete their academic requirements to receive their high school diploma. We are so proud of their perseverance and accomplishment! Due to safety concerns regarding large gatherings and the spread of COVID-19, the ALA senior dinner and commencement ceremony have been canceled. However, we understand the importance of recognizing our students’ achievements and are planning an alternate event: the ALA Graduation Drive-Through Parade. Stay tuned for more information!
Thank you and please contact me if you have any questions.
Jama Nacke, ALA Principal
480-362-2132 office | 480-410-3421 cell
Updated 5/15/20
This message is to let you know that registration forms are available for ALA summer school, which will take place online throughout the month of June.
More details can be found here or call the ALA office at 480-362-2132.
You may also complete a registration form at the ALA next Monday-Thursday, May 18-21, from noon to 2 p.m.
If your student will not attend summer school and has a laptop, you must return the laptop, charger, and any hotspot/MiFi equipment next week (drop off anytime May 18-21 from noon-2 p.m. in the front office).
We hope our students will take advantage of this summer learning opportunity to help them keep moving forward toward their academic goals!
Thank you!
Jama Nacke, Principal
Accelerated Learning Academy
480-362-2132 office | 480-410-3421 cell
Updated 4/27/20
We hope you are well and in good health. During this time of change and challenges, ALA staff has been working hard to stay in contact with our students to check on their well-being and to provide encouragement and support. As we enter week 5 of virtual learning, I wanted to let you know that we are looking ahead and planning for a variety of possibilities with regards to the following:
Teaching & Learning
We are asking students to focus on one class at a time—more if they're able. We also ask that students work a minimum of two (2) hours each weekday. ALA staff are available through phone, email, and Edgenuity email to answer any questions. Click here to view teacher contact information, which we also recently mailed home.
We understand each student is experiencing different circumstances at this time; therefore, students will not be penalized for not working. Instead, their current course will be suspended and restarted where they left off, either in summer school or in the fall. Any courses that are successfully completed during this fourth quarter will count toward their graduation requirement. We hope a reduced, more focused academic load will help ease student stress and anxiety and lead to better student engagement.
Technology & Grading
If your family is having difficulty connecting to a consistent and reliable internet connection, or if your student needs access to a laptop, please contact me at the numbers listed below.
Also, we are in the process of creating grading policies for the fourth quarter; stay tuned for more information.
Upcoming Events & Staying Informed
- ALA Summer School is currently scheduled for June 1 through June 25. More information will be communicated once we receive additional guidance on registration procedures and whether or not it will be held on campus or virtually.
- ALA Graduation is currently scheduled for Wednesday, June 24, at noon. More information will be communicated once we receive additional guidance regarding large gatherings.
- ALA Messages: The most effective means of communicating with our families is via our SchoolMessenger phone/email/text system. Please listen to all messages that come from Salt River Schools to receive important school and district information. Please also let us know if your contact information changes so you can keep receiving these messages.
Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time. We are here to help and support you, and we hope you know how much we truly care about each of our families.
Jama Nacke, ALA Principal
OFFICE: 480-362-2132
CELL: 480-410-3421
Updated 3/23/20
During these uncertain times, we want our students and families to know we are here to help provide access to needed support and continual academic opportunities as much as possible.
Currently, every ALA teacher is reaching out to students in their 2nd period class to check in and provide updates about resources, such as
this opportunity for free meals for youth 18 and under. We are also trying to determine if your family has internet and/or computer access in order to plan what our learning and teaching possibilities might be if our schools remain closed past March 31 (at this time, we are still preparing to reopen on April 1 -
please check our Division website for the most updated information).
In the meantime,
the ALA will provide academic enrichment packets for every student. These will be available for pick-up from ALA Room 5 next Monday (3/23) from 9-11 a.m. OR 1-3 p.m. (if you cannot stop by on Monday, someone will be available in Room 5 every day through Friday at these same times). The expectation is that these packets will be completed by students and turned in to teachers once school reopens. Students who return completed packets may be excused from portions of Edgenuity, per teacher discretion.
If transportation to the ALA is an issue and you can't pick up your homework packet, please call me and we'll work something out.
The ALA teachers and staff want you to know we care about each of our students and their families, and our commitment to education remains strong and steadfast. We know that together, we can pull through these challenging times.
Please feel free to email or call me any time (please leave a message if I am unable to answer and I will return your call ASAP). Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Jama Nacke, ALA Principal
OFFICE: 480-362-2132
CELL: 480-410-3421